August 14, 2000: first alpha
September 6, 2000: second alpha
- HTTP caching
- Resource handling
- Support of Resin 1.1 and Tomcat 3.1
- Administration
October 6, 2000: third alpha
- Java 2 sandbox
- Certificate authority checking (certificate chains and CRLs)
November 20, 2000: version 1.0 (beta level)
December 5, 2000: version 1.0.1
- Minor changes
- Support of archive delete
December 21, 2000: embedded server (JES 2) version
January 7, 2001: Diskless version - based on embedded server
- Use of ICP messages and of multicast/unicast UDP
January 17, 2001: site
January 26, 2001: version 1.0.2
- Support of publishing
- Tested on W2K and Solaris
February 1, 2001: publisher 1.0
February 18, 2001: administration enhancements
- Publisher 1.0.2 with subscription, security support and administration screens
- Configurator 1.0: helper servlets for JSPservlet and PublisherServer remote installation
March 17, 2001: version 1.0.3
- Mapper: support of routing pages. The Mapper itself is at alpha level. Its use is not mandatory.
- Tested on W2K.
- Sites enhancements.
April 8, 2001: version 1.0.4
- Mapper enhancement: serialized cache, routing of forms. Fixes. Second alpha.
- SOAP and Cocoon support. First alpha.
- Cocoon/SOAP demo.
- Tested on W2K.
April 16, 2001: demo online
- Patch for SOAP and Cocoon support.
- Configurator version 1.0.4.
- Tested on Solaris.
April 27, 2001: Installation guide
- Installation guide.
- Application server version 1.0.4D2.
- Configurator version 1.0.4C.
- Tested with Resin 1.2.
April 30, 2001: Ursa minor constellation
Two machines for the moment running Tomcat. Two other planned with Resin.
- Tested on Linux.
- As our PageBoxes are deployed on shared (non dedicated) JVM for cost reasons, Ursaminor is not suitable for demo.
Please contact us if you want to use it.
May 7, 2001: Advanced beta
- Ursa minor
Another machine with Resin 1.2 and Red Hat 7 tested.
- Application server version 1.0.4E (cvs with Resin 1.2.5 support.
- Configurator version 1.0.4D (cvs
- Patch for SOAP and Cocoon support version 1.0.4B.
- We removed tomcatCocoonSOAP.jar.
After cross-continent tests, we found that configurator is a better solution.
- Alternate site for Europe at
- RSS description of the site here.
December 2, 2001: Cuckoo version 0.0.1
- Web authoring tool implemented as a Word plug-in
- Use of XSLT for site design
- Form creation
- Support of PHP, JSP and ASP
- Free, Open Source (GNU Library GPL like PageBox)
- Support of Internet 5 and 6, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera 5 and 6
- Presentation and documentation
December 15, 2001: Cuckoo version 0.0.2
- Runtime generation with ASP, Cocoon 2, Resin 2
December 19, 2001: Cuckoo version 0.0.3
- Forms with support of Javascript, ASP, JSP, PHP
December 24, 2001: Cuckoo version 0.0.4
- Demo
- Support of Latin languages (ISO-8859-1). The following characters are supported:
January 1, 2002: PageBox for PHP 0.0.1
- Written in PHP 4
- PageBox itself with any archive format
- Publish/Subscribe using forms and POST upload
January 6, 2002: PageBox for PHP 0.0.2
- Environment display
- Audit
- Deployment/undeployment retry
January 13, 2002: PageBox for PHP 0.0.3
- Presentation download
- Archive subscribe
- Publish with the URL of the presentation documentation
January 29, 2002: Cuckoo version 0.0.5
- Support of <pre> and <hr/>
- Support of Greek and Mathematical characters
- Support of Word Subscript, Superscript and Equation Editor
Scheduled for February 2001: PageBox version 1.0.5
- Support of Resin 2.0, Tomcat 3.2.2 and Tomcat 4.0
Presentation News
Faq Dev site
Mailing lists Home
Installation Versions Constellations
Device Demo Mapper
Security Cocoon/SOAP Configurator
J2EE version Embedded version
Diskless version Publisher
Cuckoo PHP
©2001 Alexis Grandemange
Last modified